maandag 3 mei 2010

Breuk Earth 2.0 en Venus Project

In de toekomstige docu Earth 2.0 zouden de mensen achter Zeitgeist en The Venus Project een prominente rol krijgen. Helaas bleken Jacques Fresco en zijn levenspartner Roxanne niet open te staan voor andere alternatieve verkenningen die in de film aan bod zullen komen. Executive producer Amma Day reageert op het officiële Earth 2.0-blog:

It was in New York that we had our ‘moment’ with Jacque and Roxanne. When explaining the direction of the film Earth 2.0, they decided that they did not want to be featured in it. Their reason was that they did not want their work connected to other thinking and other ideas as they felt the direction of The Venus Project was the only direction to focus on.

We, the Earth 2.0 team, were disappointed as we had great respect for the work and vision of The Venus Project, particularly their thinking around mapping and scanning the world so as to quantify the Earth’s resources and to see how such resources could be managed, shared and protected.

We were disappointed that The Venus Project did not want to be associated with other areas that Earth 2.0 wants to explore
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